Tonight I was interviewed by the Harboiled GMshoe, Dan Davenport We talked about the recent release of Rise of R’lyeh and touched on some recent books we have released. It’s a quick read – particularly with a screen reader!
Month: September 2024
NEW RELEASE: Rise of R’lyeh – a new post apocalyptic vision
The strange aeons arrived and R’lyeh rose from the dark waters. A Dark Past When the darkness came for me, There was no-one who stood in their way In 1998, the unthinkable happened. It started with immense earthquakes under the Pacific Ocean as the Earths crust was torn and rent under the oceans. As the…
Tales of Distant Lands – Fights
Drennus is a Privean pirate who fights with a long blade. He’s matched against Blackfeather, a Saalian dockworker. Both have seen several scrapes in the past Drennus Body d10, Pirate d10, Past: Grew up on a Privean pirate ship (+1). Has a long blade (+1 to hit, 2 damage). Drennus is wearing boiled leather armour…