Inanna Jones writes a bit about this sexism thing here on the IrishGaming livejournal:
So generalising remark: women look for more depth.
I disagree with Inannajones. I think both men and women look for depth. The depth is just in different seas.
There is a group of guys who look for cheesecake art. They like the hawt Drow femmes and they think that Larry Elmore is a god. They are in the minority and seldom are over 18.
So, what’s with “women look for more depth”?
I don’t know what InannaJones looks for precisely, she says:
I play RPGs fundamentally for the sake of a damn good story and being able to be personally, intimately part of that story. I love being a hero, love solving mysteries, love being part of a living, breathing, 3+ -dimensional fantasy world. In my experience, both sexes are allowed to do that equally well.
Okayyyy…..that’s what I like about gaming. I love the story, I love characterisation, I love putting on an accent, I like making twists and turns in a plot and I love it when my players react as their character rather than as a player. As a GM I have to play believeable male roles as well as believable female roles. I have to play hearty heroes as well as vile villains, of both sexes and of variable sexual preference.
She continues:
I have never found RPGs or the RPG culture to be particularly sexist.
On the same post, deannawol writes:
If anything, the cute, fluffy, romantic “for women” games would piss me off. But that’s just me.
It would piss me off too. And I’m not even a woman.
What pisses me off more is being called a jerk and an asshole by an ignorant bigot who knows nothing about the hobby and assumes that just because we’re debating whether there is sexism in the hobby, it must mean that there is sexism in the hobby and anyone who says otherwise is the white, heterosexual, male oppressor.
This is a conversation for the pub, or a convention panel. And if any women want to look at the games I have in development here and on the LateGaming private wiki and talk about whether I am making a game with inherent sexist bias then I’m interested to talk.
It seems I agree with InannaJones.